This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#131, and has not been reviewed.
Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.
Dynamic Replacements¶
MiniMessage has some included TagResolver
s which can replace tags dynamically when parsing those. Those resolvers can replace a tag with dynamic input such as a string or a formatted number.
Placeholders replace the tag with a specific text. Those are the most basic replacements:
Insert a component¶
You can simply insert a component for the tag with the component placeholder.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello <name> :)", Placeholder.component("name", Component.text("TEST", NamedTextColor.RED)));
This will insert the red text component “TEST” for the tag name.
Insert some unparsed text¶
Sometimes it’s better to not parse dynamic text such as user inputs. For those things MiniMessage provides the unparsed placeholder. With this method you can sanitize user input without escaping the tags directly.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello <name>", Placeholder.unparsed("name", "<red>TEST :)"));
This will insert the text without parsing. The result will be a gray text with Hello <red>TEST :)
Insert and parse text¶
When you want to insert a text and allow MiniMessage to parse the tags you can use the parsed placeholder. The parsed placeholder will insert the replacement before parsing the string. The tags in the placeholder can affect the parsed result after the placeholder.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello <name> :)", Placeholder.parsed("name", "<red>TEST"));
// returns Component.text("Hello ", NamedTextColor.GRAY).append(Component.text("TEST :)", NamedTextColor.RED));
This will insert and parse the text.
Insert a style¶
When you want to create your own styling tag you can use the styling placeholder.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<my-style>Hello :)</my-style> How are you?",
Placeholder.styling("my-style", ClickEvent.suggestCommand("/say hello"), NamedTextColor.RED, TextDecoration.BOLD));
// will apply a click even, a red text color and bold decoration to the text
This will insert the style with a click event and a red text. Styling placeholders can be used for any style, e.g. colors, text decoration and events.
Create your own styling tags:
Placeholder.styling("fancy", TextColor.color(150, 200, 150)); // will replace the color between "<fancy>" and "</fancy>"
Placeholder.styling("myhover", HoverEvent.showText(Component.text("test"))); // will display your custom text as hover
Placeholder.styling("mycmd", ClickEvent.runCommand("/mycmd is cool")); // will create a clickable text which will run your specified command.
Styling placeholders can be used to sanitize input from players in click events. Instead of using a parsed placeholder the string can be used directly.
Not everything is a text, sometimes its useful to display a number or a date. For that you can use the provided Formatters from MiniMessage
Insert a number¶
You can insert a Number
by using the number formatter in MiniMessage.
To specify the locale and format of the number the formatter accepts optionally tag arguments. You can specify the locale and the number format. It’s possible to pass both as arguments to the tag but you have provide the locale first.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello my number <no>!", Formatter.number("no", 250.25d));
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello my number <no:'#.00'>!", Formatter.number("no", 250.25d));
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello my number <no:'de-DE':'#.00'>!", Formatter.number("no", 250.25d));
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Hello my number <no:'de-DE'>!", Formatter.number("no", 250.25d));
All those examples are valid and will insert the number as the tag.
Refer to Locale and DecimalFormat for valid locale tags and usable patterns.
You can change the style such as the color by a more complex pattern:
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Your current balance is <no:'en-EN':'<green>#.00;<red>-#.00'>.", Formatter.number("no", 250.25d));
This will display the balance in red for negative numbers, otherwise the number will be green.
Insert a date¶
To insert an instance of an TemporalAccessor
such as a LocalDateTime
you can use the date formatter.
The tag resolver requires a tag argument for the format. Refer to DateTimeFormatter for a usable patterns.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>Current date is: <date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'>!","date",;
This will display the current date with the specified format. E.g. as 2022-05-27 11:30:25
Insert a choice¶
To insert a number and format some text based on the number you can use the choice formatter.
This will accept a ChoiceFormat pattern.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("<gray>I met <choice:'0#no developer|1#one developer|1<many developers'>!", Formatter.choice("choice", 5));
This will format your input based on the provided ChoiceFormat. In this case it will be I met many developers!
Insert a list¶
To insert a list of components, you can use the list formatter.
This tag resolver will join components together. It will accept three arguments, all of which are optional but must be provided in order and with all preceding arguments present:
The separator to use between components (defaults to no separator).
The separator to use between the last two components (defaults to the first argument).
The separator to use between the last two components if there are more than two components (defaults to the second argument).
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("Let's play <moves:, >!", Formatter.joining(Component.text("rock"), Component.text("paper"), Component.text("scissors")));
This will format your list of components by joining them together the designated separator. In this case, it will be Let's play rock, paper, scissors!
If you want to use a different separator between the last two components, you can add another argument for the last separator.
MiniMessage.miniMessage().deserialize("Please meet <names:, : and >.", Formatter.joining(Component.text("John"), Component.text("Emma"), Component.text("Alex")));
This will result in Please meet John, Emma and Alex
Complex placeholders¶
You can simply create your own placeholders. Take a look at the Formatter and Placeholder class from MiniMessage for examples.
Create a custom tag which makes its contents clickable:
TagResolver.resolver("click-by-version", (args, context) -> {
final String version = args.popOr("version expected").value();
return Tag.styling(ClickEvent.openUrl(" " + version + "/"));
// creates a tag to get javadocs of adventure by the version: <click-by-version:'4.14.0'>
You can create your own complex placeholders with multiple arguments and their own logic.