This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#194, and has not been reviewed.
Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.
Boss Bars¶
Constructing a Boss Bar¶
- Boss Bars are composed of:
A component used for the title of the boss bar
A number from 0 to 1 used to determine how full the boss bar should be
A color, will be downsampled for clients <1.9
An overlay that determines the amount of visual segments on the boss bar
private @Nullable BossBar activeBar;
public void showMyBossBar(final @NonNull Audience target) {
final Component name = Component.text("Awesome BossBar");
// Creates a red boss bar which has no progress and no notches
final BossBar emptyBar = BossBar.bossBar(name, 0, BossBar.Color.RED, BossBar.Overlay.PROGRESS);
// Creates a green boss bar which has 50% progress and 10 notches
final BossBar halfBar = BossBar.bossBar(name, 0.5f, BossBar.Color.GREEN, BossBar.Overlay.NOTCHED_10);
// etc..
final BossBar fullBar = BossBar.bossBar(name, 1, BossBar.Color.BLUE, BossBar.Overlay.NOTCHED_20);
// Send a bossbar to your audience
// Store it locally to be able to hide it manually later
this.activeBar = fullBar;
public void hideActiveBossBar(final @NonNull Audience target) {
this.activeBar = null;
Changing an active Boss Bar¶
Boss bars are mutable and listen for changes on their object, the in-game view will change automatically without having to manually refresh it!
Therefore, if this boss bar is currently active
final BossBar bossBar = BossBar.bossBar(Component.text("Cat counter"), 0, BossBar.Color.RED, BossBar.Overlay.PROGRESS);
with a component is called
final Component newText = Component.text("Duck counter");;
the boss bar will be updated automatically. The same thing goes for progress
, color
and overlay