
This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#205, and has not been reviewed.

Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.


Adventure provides a way to utilize Minecraft’s built-in localization system for client-side translations as well as an additional Adventure-specific system for translating text.

Using Minecraft’s localization

To send text to a player that will be translated in the language they have selected in their client settings, use a translatable component. For example, Component.translatable("block.minecraft.diamond_block") will render as “Block of Diamond” (or translated to another language) when viewed by the client. Some translation keys have arguments which are inserted into the translated content. For example, Component.translatable("block.minecraft.player_head.named", Component.text("Mark")) will render as “Mark’s Head”. Translatable components can have styling, hover/click events and children components just like any other component type.

Resource pack language files

You can provide translation files in a resource pack in order to change existing translations or add new ones. For a guide on how to do that, see the Minecraft Wiki.

Using Adventure’s localization

Adventure also provides a way to handle localization in Adventure itself. This can be useful in environments where you do not have access to resource packs, or wish to do translations yourself, without relying on Minecraft’s translation system.

Any component that is sent to a client is ran through the GlobalTranslator using the locale of the client. This means that if you wish to have automatic translation of components using your own translation data, you can add a Translator to the GlobalTranslator. You can either provide your own implementation of Translator or use one of the implementations that Adventure provides.

Once you have a Translator instance, you can register it to the GlobalTranslator using GlobalTranslator.translator().addSource(myTranslator). This will then make it available for automatic translation across the platform.


Some implementations may not use the GlobalTranslator in every area, or at all. For example, Paper does not use it for items, and Minestom does not use it unless specifically enabled. Please consult the documentation for your platform for any limitations.

Using a custom Translator

A Translator is a simple interface that provides two ways of translating content.

The first translate method provides the translation key and locale as an argument and expects a nullable MessageFormat in return. This system is comparable to Minecraft’s built-in localization system, using the standard Java message format for arguments.

If the first translate method returns null, the second method which provides the translatable component and locale as an argument can be used. This method allows for much richer customization of the translation process as you can return an entire component. This means you can, for example, customize the color and styling of the translated component, rather than relying solely on strings for the message format system.


If you are overriding the component translate method, you should be careful not to unintentionally lose the children of the translatable component. See the Javadocs for the translate method for a code example of how to avoid this common error.

Below is an example of how one might implement a custom Translator.

public class MyTranslator implements Translator {

  public @NotNull Key name() {
    // Every translator has a name which is used to identify this specific translator instance.
    return Key.key("mynamespace:mykey");

  public @Nullable MessageFormat translate(final @NotNull String key, final @NotNull Locale locale) {
    // You could retrieve a string from a properties file, a config file, or some other system.
    // An an example, we will hard-code a check for a specific key here.
    if (key.equals("mytranslation.key") && locale == Locale.US) {
      return new MessageFormat("Hello %s!", locale);
    } else {
      // If you only want to use component translation, you can override this method and always return `null`.
      return null;

  public @Nullable Component translate(@NotNull TranslatableComponent component, @NotNull Locale locale) {
    // As above, we will hardcode a check here, but you should be reading this from elsewhere.
    if (key.equals("mytranslation.colorful") && locale == Locale.US) {
      return Component.text("Hello, ", NamedTextColor.GREEN)
        .append(component.children()); // Always make sure to copy the children over!
    } else {
      return null;

Using a TranslationStore

A TranslationStore is a store of translations. It provides a simpler way creating a Translator without having to implement the logic for determining and storing translations yourself. You can create a translation store and then add or remove translations at will, even after registering it to the global translator.

Adventure provides two translation stores, one for message format translating and one for component translating. An example of how to use a translation store is below.

// As above, every translator needs an identifying name!
// Could also use TranslationStore#component(Key) to work with components instead.
final TranslationStore myStore = TranslationStore.messageFormat(Key.key("mynamespace:mykey"));

// You can add translations one-by-one, or in bulk. Consult the Javadocs for a full list of methods.
myStore.register("mytranslation.key", Locale.US, new MessageFormat("Hello %s!", Locale.US));

// You can then register this to the global translator so the translations are available there!

There are additional methods on the message format translation store to bulk register from resource bundles. You may also want to use Adventure’s UTF8ResourceBundleControl utility class to create your bundle.

Using MiniMessage for translations

Adventure also provides a translator that can use MiniMessage strings, with automatic support for placeholders and arguments. For more information, see MiniMessage Translator.