This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#205, and has not been reviewed.
Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.
Adventure supports Fabric on Minecraft: Java Edition 1.16 and up, for both server-side and client-side use. Each major version of Minecraft will usually require a new release of the platform.
The platform supports all features, including localization and custom renderers.
When using at least version 5.3.0, this platform provides a near-native experience by directly implementing Adventure interfaces on Minecraft classes where possible.
Version 6.x of adventure-platform-fabric, utilizing a shared implementation with NeoForge (see Modded (Fabric and NeoForge shared API)) is not published for Minecraft 1.20-1.21.1. This is to avoid conflicts with existing mods using 5.x. Starting with Minecraft 1.21.2, both platforms have version 6.x published.
The Fabric platform is packaged as a mod, designed to be included in mods via jar-in-jar packaging. As with the rest of the Adventure projects, releases are distributed on Maven Central, and snapshots on Sonatype OSS.
Add the artifact to your build file:
First, add the repository:
repositories {
// for development builds
maven {
name = "sonatype-oss-snapshots1"
url = ""
mavenContent { snapshotsOnly() }
// for releases
repositories {
// for development builds
maven(url = "") {
name = "sonatype-oss-snapshots1"
mavenContent { snapshotsOnly() }
// for releases
dependencies {
modImplementation include("net.kyori:adventure-platform-fabric:6.2.0") // for Minecraft 1.21.2-1.21.4
dependencies {
modImplementation(include("net.kyori:adventure-platform-fabric:|modversion|")!!) // for Minecraft 1.21.2-1.21.4
The Fabric platform requires fabric-api-base in order to provide the locale change event, fabric-command-api-v2 for the callback click event, and can optionally use Colonel (or fabric-networking-api-v1) to allow the Component
and Key
argument types to be used on clients without the mod installed. There are no other dependencies.
Each major Minecraft release will require different platform versions. For older Minecraft versions, consult the table below.
Historic Versions
Minecraft Version |
Adventure version |
1.16.2-1.16.4 |
4.9.3 |
4.0.0 |
1.17.x |
4.9.3 |
4.1.0 |
1.18, 1.18.1 |
4.10.0 |
5.1.0 |
1.18.2 |
4.11.0 |
5.3.1 |
1.19 |
4.11.0 |
5.4.0 |
1.19.1-1.19.2 |
4.12.0 |
5.5.2 |
1.19.3 |
4.13.0 |
5.7.0 |
1.19.4 |
4.13.0 |
5.8.0 |
1.20-1.20.1 |
4.14.0 |
5.9.0 |
1.20.2 |
4.14.0 |
5.10.1 |
1.20.4 |
4.16.0 |
5.12.0 |
1.20.5-1.20.6 |
4.17.0 |
5.13.0 |
1.21-1.21.1 |
4.17.0 |
5.14.1 |
Basic use¶
The easiest way to get started with this platform is to work with the Minecraft game objects that directly implement Adventure interfaces (requires Loom 0.11 or newer).
This covers almost all cases where the default renderer is used.
The following Adventure interfaces are directly implemented:
Additionally, all Key
s created will be ResourceLocation
instances (on Loader 0.14.0+)
Using these injections, getting started is as simple as:
void greet(final ServerPlayer player) {
player.sendMessage(Component.text().content("Hello ").append(player.get(Identity.DISPLAY_NAME).get().color(NamedTextColor.RED)));
For more complex use cases, FabricServerAudiences
or FabricClientAudiences
provide additional API.
The logical-server side of the Fabric platform can be accessed any time a server is available, through a FabricServerAudiences
instance. By default, translatable components will be rendered with the global translator, but a custom renderer can be passed when initializing the platform.
All AudienceProvider
interface methods are supported, except for the permission
method. This will become supported as soon as Fabric gets a suitable permissions API.
To get started with Adventure, set up an audience provider like this:
public class MyMod implements ModInitializer {
private volatile FabricServerAudiences adventure;
public FabricServerAudiences adventure() {
FabricServerAudiences ret = this.adventure;
if(ret == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to access Adventure without a running server!");
return ret;
public void onInitialize() {
// Register with the server lifecycle callbacks
// This will ensure any platform data is cleared between game instances
// This is important on the integrated server, where multiple server instances
// can exist for one mod initialization.
ServerLifecycleEvents.SERVER_STARTING.register(server -> this.adventure = FabricServerAudiences.of(server));
ServerLifecycleEvents.SERVER_STOPPED.register(server -> this.adventure = null);
From here, audiences can be acquired for players and any other CommandSource
. Specialized serializer instances are also available, to allow using game information in component serialization.
As part of the platform’s translation support, the PlayerLocales.CHANGED_EVENT
callback will be called any time a player on the server receives an updated language from their client, and allows accessing the current locale for a player.
The Fabric platform provides custom argument types to specify Key
and Component
parameters in Brigadier commands, and has helpers to easily get an Audience
from a CommandSourceStack
(yarn: ServerCommandSource
) instance.
If these custom argument types are used (pre-1.19), Vanilla clients will not be able to join unless the Colonel mod is installed on the server. Like the platform, it is small and easily included in your mod jar.
As an example, here’s a simple command that will echo whatever is provided as input:
// A potential method to be in the mod initializer class above
private static final String ARG_MESSAGE = "message";
void registerCommands(final CommandDispatcher dispatcher, final boolean isDedicated) {
dispatcher.register(literal("echo").then(argument(ARG_MESSAGE, component()).executes(ctx -> {
final Component message = component(ctx, ARG_MESSAGE);
ctx.getSource().sendMessage(Component.text("You said: ").append(message));
Special for the Fabric platform, purely client-side operations are supported. The setup is less involved than it is for the server, since the client is a singleton, and there is only one subject that can be acted on: the client’s player.
This means that for most users the FabricClientAudiences
object can be treated as a singleton. The only exception is users using a custom renderer. This makes using Adventure audiences fairly simple, as this code example shows:
void doThing() {
// Get the audience
final Audience client = FabricClientAudiences.of().audience();
// Do something. This will only work when the player is ingame.
client.sendMessage(Component.text("meow", NamedTextColor.DARK_PURPLE));
The full functionality of the Audience
interface is available, including localization!
Working with native types¶
Sadly, Adventure can’t provide API for every place chat components are used in the game. However, for areas not covered by the API in Audience
, it’s possible to convert components between native and Adventure types. See certain native types which implement
Adventure interfaces, and the methods on FabricAudiences
for other available conversions.