
This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#181, and has not been reviewed.

Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.


An audience, at its core, is a grouping of 0 or more viewers of some content. The concept of an audience is where Adventure makes its most clear break from other Minecraft platforms.

As an API, Audience is designed to be a universal interface for any player, command sender, console, or otherwise who can receive text, titles, boss bars, and other Minecraft media. This allows extending audiences to cover more than one individual receiver - possible “audiences” could include a team, server, world, or all players that satisfy some predicate (such as having a certain permission). The universal interface also allows reducing boilerplate by gracefully degrading functionality if it is not applicable. For instance, it does not make much sense to send a boss bar to a command sender, and you can’t send titles to Minecraft 1.7 clients.

You will normally get audience instances from one of the Platforms. The Adventure API includes two audience implementations itself: one that does not support any action (and thus does nothing). Audience.empty(), and one that forwards an action to each member in the audience, Audience.audience() and related methods, along with the ForwardingAudience that implements the forwarding logic for you.

Most users using will primarily use this API to show content created by other parts of the API.


Audiences can also provide arbitrary information, such as display name or UUID. This is done using the pointer system.


// get the uuid from an audience member, returning an Optional<UUID>

// get the display name, returning a default
audience.getOrDefault(Identity.DISPLAY_NAME, Component.text("no display name!"));