
This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#181, and has not been reviewed.

Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.



Declaring the dependency:

 repositories {

 dependencies {
    implementation "net.kyori:adventure-text-minimessage:4.17.0"
 repositories {

 dependencies {

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Some platforms already provide MiniMessage natively. In this case you will not need to add MiniMessage as a dependency.

Getting Started

MiniMessage exposes a simple API via the MiniMessage class.


Previously, a Markdown mode was available. This has been temporarily removed due to some issues with the new 4.10.0 parser backend, but there are plans to re-add it once time permits.

A standard instance of the serializer is available through the miniMessage() method. This uses the default set of tags and is not in strict mode.

Additional customization of MiniMessage is possible via the Builder.

MiniMessage allows you to both serialize components into MiniMessage strings and to parse/deserialize MiniMessage strings into components.

Here’s a short example to try things out:

Audience player = ...;
var mm = MiniMessage.miniMessage();

Component parsed = mm.deserialize("Hello <rainbow>world</rainbow>, isn't <underlined>MiniMessage</underlined> fun?");


For more advanced uses, additional tag resolvers can be registered, which when given a tag name and arguments will produce a Tag instance. These are described in more detail below.


To make customizing MiniMessage easier, we provide a Builder. The specific methods on the builder are explained in the javadoc.

MiniMessage minimessage = MiniMessage.builder()


It’s a good idea to initialize such a MiniMessage instance once, in a central location, and then use it for all your messages. Exception being if you want to customize MiniMessage based on permissions of a user (for example, admins should be allowed to use color and decoration in the message, normal users not)

Error handling

By default, MiniMessage will never throw an exception caused by user input. Instead, it will treat any invalid tags as normal text. MiniMessage.Builder#strict(true) mode will enable strict mode, which throws exceptions on unclosed tags, but still will allow any improperly specified tags through.

To capture information on why a parse may have failed, MiniMessage.Builder#debug(Consumer<String>) can be provided, which will accept debug logging for an input string.

Tag Resolvers

All tag resolution goes through tag resolvers. There is one global tag resolver, which describes the tags available through a MiniMessage instance, plus parse-specific resolvers which can provide additional input-specific tags.

Tag resolvers are the binding between a name and arguments, and the logic to produce a Component contained in a Tag instance. They are composable so a TagResolver can produce any number of actual Tag instances. The tag name passed to resolvers will always be lower-cased, to ensure case-insensitive searches.

Tag names are only allowed to contain the characters a-z, 0-9, _, and -. They can also optionally start with any of the following characters: !?#.

You can create your own TagResolver by using the static factory methods in TagResolver. To replace tags dynamically with text MiniMessage has built-in Placeholder and Formatter. Where possible, these built-in resolvers should be used, as MiniMessage can flatten combinations of these resolvers into a more efficient format. For built-in dynamic replacements take a look here.

To combine multiple resolvers, take a look at the tag resolver builder, TagResolver.builder().

The builder for MiniMessage allows providing a custom tag resolver rather than the default (StandardTags.all()), allowing

MiniMessage also provides convenience methods to do that:

MiniMessage serializer = MiniMessage.builder()

 var parsed = serializer.deserialize("<green><bold>Hai");

 // Assertion passes
 assertEquals(Component.text("<bold>Hai", NamedTextColor.GREEN), parsed);

Because the <bold> tag is not enabled on this builder, the bold tag is interpreted as literal text.

Handling Arguments

Tag resolvers have an ArgumentQueue parameter, which provides any tag arguments that are present in the input. Helper methods on Tag.Argument can assist with conversions of the tag.

Exceptions thrown by the popOr() methods will interrupt execution, but are not currently exposed to users outside of debug output. We plan to add an auto-completion function that can reveal some of this information to the user, so please do try to write useful error messages in custom tag resolvers.


Once a tag resolver has handled arguments, it returns a Tag object. These objects implement the logic of producing or modifying a component tree. There are three main kinds of Tag – all custom implementations must implement one of these interfaces.


These tags implement the PreProcess interface, and have a value of a raw MiniMessage string that is replaced into the user input before parsing continues.

Due to limitations in the current parser implementation, note that pre-process tags will adjust offsets in error messages, and may inhibit tab completion. However, they are currently the only way to integrate markup fragments into a message.


These tags are fairly straightforward: they represent a literal Component. The vast majority of Tag implementations will want to be Inserting tags. Inserting tags may also optionally be self-closing – by default, this is only true for tags created by Placeholder.unparsed(String) and Placeholder.component(Component), so that placeholders are self-contained.

Most standard tags are Inserting. These tags will either directly insert a component, or use the helper Tag.styling(StyleBuilderApplicable...) to apply style to components.

This helper can be used to efficiently apply a collection of styles with one tag. For example, to create a <a:[href]>Title</a> tag, that makes the Title text into a link that opens a URL with traditional link styling, this could be used:

Component aTagExample() {
  final String input = "Hello, <a:>click me!</a> but not me!";
  final MiniMessage extendedInstance = MiniMessage.builder()
    .tags(b -> b.resolver(TagResolver.resolver("a", MiniMessageTest::createA)))

  return extendedInstance.deserialize(input);

static Tag createA(final ArgumentQueue args, final Context ctx) {
  final String link = args.popOr("The <a> tag requires exactly one argument, the link to open").value();

  return Tag.styling(
    HoverEvent.showText(Component.text("Open " + link))

This allows producing rich styling relatively quickly.


Modifying tags are the most complex, and most specialized of the tag types available. These tags receive the node tree and have an opportunity to analyze it before components are constructed, and then receive every produced child component and can modify those children. This is used for the built-in <rainbow> and <gradient> tags, but can be applied for similar complex transformations.

Modifying tags are first given an opportunity to visit every node of the tree in a depth-first traversal. If a Modifying instance stores any state during this traversal, its resolver should return a new instance every time to prevent state corruption.


The Node API in 4.10.0 is currently not very well developed – most aspects are still internal. Additional information can be exposed as needed by tag developers.

Once the whole parse tree has been visited, the postVisit() method is called. This method can optionally be overridden if any additional calculations must be performed.

Next, the Modifying instance enters the application phase, where the component tree is presented to the tag for transformation. This allows the tag to modify the contents of these components, giving it its name.

Parser Directives

Parser directives are a special kind of tag, as they are instructions for the parser, and therefore cannot be implemented by end users.

There is currently only one, but more may be added at any time.


This indicates to the parser that this tag should close all currently open tags.

This can be used to provide the functionality of a <reset> tag under a different name. For example:

final var clearTag = TagResolver.resolver("clear", ParserDirective.RESET);

final var parser = MiniMessage.builder()
  .editTags(t -> t.resolver(clearTag))

final Component parsed = parser.deserialize("<red>hello <bold>world<clear>, how are you?");

would add a <clear> tag, behaving identically to the <reset> tag available by default – “, how are you?” would not be bold or colored red.