
This version of the Adventure documentation has been built as a preview of pull request adventure-docs#181, and has not been reviewed.

Please consult the pull request to view any discussion and existing reviews.

Migrating from the BungeeCord Chat API

Adventure’s text API and the BungeeCord Chat API are designed along very different lines. This page goes over some notable differences.


It is strongly recommended you read about Audiences first. Unlike BungeeCord, which limits functionality to specific user types, Adventure allows only the specific operations that apply to an audience to be taken.

Decoration and Styling

The BungeeCord Chat API stores all decorations in the BaseComponent. Adventure separates out styles into their own Style class.

BungeeCord allows you to merge the styles from one component into another. Adventure provides equivalent methods that merge styles together, or allows you to replace the styles on one component with another.

Chat Colors

Adventure’s chat color and styling hierarchy differs from that of BungeeCord’s ChatColor API. This is probably where the most stark contrast between the Adventure API and BungeeCord/Bukkit will manifest.

Replacement for ChatColor

Adventure’s equivalents for ChatColor are split over three types:

  • Formatting types (such as BOLD or ITALIC) are in TextDecoration, and can be set on a component or a style with the decoration method. Decorations also use a tristate to specify if they are enabled, disabled, or not set (in which case the component inherits the setting from its parent component).

  • Named colors (also called the legacy Mojang color codes) now exist in the NamedTextColor class.

  • RGB colors are constructed using the TextColor.color() methods (this is equivalent to the ChatColor.of() method in the BungeeCord ChatColor 1.16 API.

Legacy strings can’t be constructed

The BungeeCord ChatColor API’s heritage is in the Bukkit API. The Bukkit ChatColor API in turn dates from the early days of Minecraft (Beta 1.0), when the normal and accepted way of sending formatted messages to the client was to concatenate magical strings that told the client what to format. A formatted chat message would be sent to the client like this:

player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "Hi everyone, " + ChatColor.BOLD + "this message is in green and bold" + ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.GREEN + "!");

This style of sending messages has persisted to this day, even as Mojang introduced rich chat components into Minecraft 1.7.2. Bukkit preserved this backwards-compatible behavior, and BungeeCord introduced the change as a result of being compatible with the Bukkit ChatColor class.

In Adventure, you can’t concatenate magical formatting codes. The equivalent of ChatColor in Adventure, TextColor, instead returns descriptive text describing the color when its toString() is called. The recommended replacement is to convert all legacy messages to components.


ChatColor.stripColor() does not exist in Adventure. An equivalent would be to use PlainTextComponentSerializer.plainText().serialize(LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().deserialize(input)).


ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes() does not exist in Adventure. Instead you should use LegacyComponentSerializer.legacy(altChar).deserialize(input) when deserializing a legacy string.

Differences in ComponentBuilder

The BungeeCord ComponentBuilder treats each component independently and allows you to manually carry over styles from a prior component. In Adventure, there are multiple component builders. The closest equivalent for a BungeeCord ComponentBuilder is to append components to a top-level empty component using Component.text() as a base. To replicate the behavior of ComponentBuilder, consider doing the following:

  • Use the Style class to store common styles and the mergeStyle and style methods to merge and replace styles on a component.

  • Use the Adventure TextComponent builder to create one component at a time and then append to a top-level text component builder that is empty.

As an example, this BungeeCord component:

new ComponentBuilder("hello")
  .append(" world", FormatRetention.NONE)

becomes this Adventure equivalent:

  .append(Component.text("hello", NamedTextColor.GOLD)
  .append(Component.text(" world"))


new ComponentBuilder("hello")
  .append(" world")


Style style =, TextDecoration.BOLD);
  .append(Component.text("hello", style)
  .append(Component.text(" world", style))


In the BungeeCord Chat API, all components are mutable. Adventure text components, however, are immutable - any attempt to change a component results in a new component being created that is a copy of the original component with the change you requested.


The BungeeCord Chat API includes three serializers. All three have equivalents in Adventure:

  • The TextComponent.fromLegacyText() deserialization method is equivalent to the deserialize method of the Legacy text serializer. Likewise, the BaseComponent.toLegacyText() serialization method is equivalent to the serialize method on the legacy text serializer.

  • The TextComponent.toPlainText() serialization method is equivalent to the serialize method of the Plain text serializer. A component can be created from a plain-text string using Component.text(string)

  • The Adventure equivalent of ComponentSerializer is the Gson text serializer.

Backwards compatibility

The BungeeCordComponentSerializer allows you to convert between Adventure Components and the native BungeeCord chat component API and back. This can be used when native platform support is unavailable. The serializer is available in the adventure-platform-text-serializer-bungeecord artifact.